Earn credits in advance Ramkhamhaeng University
Ramkhamhaeng University credit accumulation system in advance without a degree
develop potential during study Comparison of transferring a bachelor’s degree faster
Normally… how old does college student life begin?
Many people will start counting 1 in university life when they graduate from secondary education 6 when they are 18-19 years old. It is changing the learning system from school / college to step into the university system. that requires even more responsibility But would it be better if stepping into the university system while studying in secondary education 4/ Vocational Certificate?
Entering university now
Start counting 1 in university life from the age of 16 with a pre-degree system. with studying at the same time as high school (or equivalent) along with the cumulative credit examination of Ramkhamhaeng University Start first, reach the finish line first.

What is a pre-degree?
Pre-degree is a study to accumulate credits at the bachelor’s degree of Ramkhamhaeng University in advance. By allowing those with a junior high school degree (graduating from high school 3 or Non-Formal Education, graduating from high school 3) onwards to apply for pre-degree students. By choosing to register for any subject of the faculties that are interested.

Ning Picchapa Kantaphichayathorn (Ning SWEAT16)
Former graduate student Currently graduated with a bachelor’s degree
Who is the pre-degree suitable for?
Pre-degrees are ideal for students who are currently studying in high school (or equivalent), as well as vocational students who want to accumulate university credits. In order to get a bachelor’s degree at Ramkhamhaeng University faster (if you already have a Matayom 6 qualification, you can apply as a regular student). The degree must not be duplicated with credits that can be transferred from a Diploma degree in the future. You may choose to register for a major at once. and after completing a high vocational certificate, transfer credits from a high vocational certificate + credits accumulated during pre-degree study to apply as a regular student
Self search time
Studying at Ramkhamhaeng University Open opportunities for everyone to have time to find themselves, especially in studying. And the pre-degree system does not belong to any faculties, meaning that pre-degree students are not students of any faculties. floating above the whole group Even though when applying to study, they let us choose a faculty already? The fact that the university asked the faculty at the time of application Because the university will choose to pick up the subjects in the faculties that interest us. It is convenient for the first application only.
Let’s say if you like political science now and are determined that in the future you will definitely study at the Faculty of Political Science. Let us pick up subjects of political science to accumulate in the pre-degree system indefinitely. It will help us finish political science faster when we are regular students.
But what if after studying, you change your mind? as said “The pre-degree does not belong to any faculties.” If we don’t like political science then but turned to mass media instead We can change to take the subjects of the Faculty of Mass Communication to take further examinations. don’t inform anyone You don’t need to inform the university.
“…This year I like political science. Maybe next year I’m more interested in journalism…”
Is the pre-degree system and the normal part of the study different?
Studying in the pre-degree system and studying in the regular semester They are almost identical in all respects, that is, pre-degree students can choose to earn credits in any field of study. Use the same academic calendar schedule. study the same content study in the same room Use the same set of exams as regular students. And pre-degree students have to look and look at themselves in every aspect, including planning for enrollment and exams, which must have a good division of study time both at school and at Ramkhamhaeng University.
Some different things are Normal semester and pre-degree system expenses are regular semester students. 25 baht per credit, 50 baht per credit for pre-degree students

Pre-degree students will receive a degree?
Studying in the pre-degree system cannot complete a bachelor’s degree. Because the pre-degree system is the accumulation of credits only. But the accumulated credits will pave the way for you to complete your bachelor’s degree faster! (Read the hypothetical case to understand more.)
_ _ In the hypothetical case, Nong A applied to be a pre-graduate student with a matayom 3 degree and is currently studying. High school is there too. 3 years after enrollment, it turns out that Nong A has accumulated 100 credits while studying for a pre-degree until he has almost completed his bachelor’s degree program (green circle). Complete the course immediately, but Young A cannot graduate with a bachelor’s degree… If not, bring the qualifications after completing Matayom 6 to change the system to be a normal student first.
If wanting to graduate and receive a royal degree, Nong A must resign from being a pre-degree student. And apply as regular students with M.6 qualifications and register for the remaining credits (purple circles) along with transferring credits that you have accumulated while studying for pre-degree (green circles) together. Then study and complete the exam in the normal system. If all exams are passed, it will be considered as graduation immediately. Able to attend the graduation ceremony (Some people apply as regular students and continue studying for only one semester and they can graduate. because I have accumulated a lot of credits during my pre-degree)

Expenses that will occur while studying / after studying for pre-degree.
1. Application fee (must be paid on the day of application)
Application and registration fee for the first time Central: no more than 3,100 baht / Regional: no more than 4,080 baht
Registration fee for the next semester Central: not more than 1,400 baht / Provincial: not more than 2,000 baht
*The rate of registration fee depends on the number of credits registered. If registering a lot of credits in that semester The expenses will be large as well. which the university requires that enrollment be at least 9 credits/semester only, but students can register for up to 21 credits.
2. Expenses for changing the system from pre-degree to normal system (must be paid in the future)
This cost will occur when Pre-degree students graduated from high school or equivalent (vocational certificate) NFE) and must bring this qualification to apply for a normal bachelor’s degree student and transfer the accumulated credits to the normal system as well. The expenses are divided into two parts:
2.1 Application and registration fee (Bachelor’s degree, normal program) not more than central: not more than 3,750 baht / provincial: not more than 4,730 baht
2.2 Credit transfer fee 50 baht per credit, for example, if accumulating 60 credits during pre-degree, the transfer fee will be 60×50= 3,000 baht.
** Application and registration fee (2.1) must be paid on the day of application. But the credit transfer fee (2.2) can be paid later without penalty within 1 year from the application date.
‘Pre-Degree’ Express way to success
Former Pre-Degree System Student who apply for study and collect credits in advance
and graduated with a bachelor’s degree at a young age

Siraphit Sinma (Pink)
Graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Law by accumulating credits from the pre-degree system At age 18, Bar Association at 19, two master’s degrees from the University of San Diego and California Western School of Law, USA. At 21, currently an assistant judge.

Praweethida Jarunil
Studying for pre-degree since Mathayom 4, accumulating 128 credits, studying for another regular semester, completing a bachelor’s degree at the age of 18 and continuing on to a master’s degree in public law from Ramkhamhaeng University and graduating at the age of 21.

Lieutenant Colonel
Dr. Suwin Raksalam
Pre-Degree while studying at Air Sergeant School, graduated with a bachelor’s degree at the age of 18, continued with a master’s degree (Public Administration) Ramkhamhaeng University at the age of 20, and graduated with a Ph.D. (Human Resource Development Ramkhamhaeng University) in 2013. is a 23-year-old Dr.

Anyarin Theerathananpat (Tubtim)
Actors from Channel 7 accumulated credits in the pre-degree system when they were in Matthayom 4 and went on to complete their bachelor’s degree. At present, Tubtim also holds a master’s degree from Ramkhamhaeng University.

Police Capt. Thosaporn Rungruangsuparat
Graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Law by accumulating credits from the pre-degree system at the age of 19, the Thai Bar Association at the age of 20, currently serving in the police service

Panuwut Wongchin
Former graduate student Academic Services Branch, Chiang Rai Province, enrolled in pre-degree since Mathayom 4 (Samakkhi Witthayakhom School), accumulated 136 credits, transferred and continued studying for only 1 semester and graduated with a bachelor’s degree at the age of 18.
Don’t hesitate and close yourself.
Find yourself today at Ramkhamhaeng University
educational openness find yourself Study and don’t agree Can change faculty