Asarnha Bucha Day

Asahna Bucha Day falls on the full moon day of the 8th month before Purim Buddhist Lent. (Purim Buddhist Lent begins From the waning moon day of the 1st day of the 8th month in years without intercalation onwards to the 15th day of the waxing moon of the 11th month) 1 day is the day that the Lord Buddha gave his first sermon, the first sermon. It’s called Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. Phra Panchavakkai In the Isipattana Maruekhathayawan Forest, Varanasi District, in the first year of his enlightenment and because of the results of this sermon, he Phra Kondāñña among the 5 Panchavaggīs gained Dhamma-eyes (Sodapattimagga or Sotapattimaggaññā). is the knowledge that leads to attainment of Sotapanna) The eye sees the Dhamma, which is wisdom, knowing and seeing the truth that Whatever happens is normal. All such things have a nature to pass away. Then I would like to be ordained before Him. He was the first noble monk of Buddhism and completed the three gems: Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.
Since this day of every year comes to Buddhists Therefore it is popular for special worship and Buddhists in some places Also named Asalha Bucha Day “Monks’ Day”. Asalha is the 8th lunar month. Asalha Bucha is worshiping the Buddha on the full moon day of the 8th lunar month. What is the importance of this full moon day of the 8th lunar month? One part of the Buddha’s history will be told as follows. From the day the Lord Buddha gained enlightenment, that is, on the full moon day of the 6th lunar month, His Majesty sat down to eat. Muttisukkha in the area of the Bodhimanda for 7 weeks is…
Week 1: He will stay while wielding the Asaththa tree, which is the Maha Bodhi tree. Because it was enlightenment, he spent 7 days reflecting on the Paticcasamuppada Dhamma.
2nd week, go to the northeastern direction of the Bodhi tree. Standing outdoors, looking at the Mahabodhi tree by He did not blink his eyes and remained in one place for seven days. The place where he stood was later called “Anisimsa Chedi” 
3rd week: His Majesty went to stay in the middle place between the Animissa pagodas. with the Mahabodhi tree and he meditated there for seven days, which was later called that place “Jong Krom Chedi”
4th week, go towards the western direction of the Maha Bodhi tree. Sitting cross-legged on the throne contemplating the Abhidhamma for seven days, sitting cross-legged in meditation on the diamond. Later it was called “Rattanakara Chedi” 
In the 5th week, he went to the east of the Mahabodhi tree and sat on a banyan tree named Ajapalanigrodha for 7 days during that time. He solved the problem of a brahmin who asked about his identity as a brahmin.
Week 6: Go to the southeast direction of the Maha Bodhi tree. Sitting there wielding a wooden stick, he enjoyed liberation for 7 days. The rain fell all the time. The serpents circled around him and spread their walls to block the rain, causing him to exclaim in praise of the silence and the freedom from harassment that it was the best in the world.
Week 7, His Majesty moved the location to the south of the Maha Bodhi tree. Sitting there wielding a sage tree, he enjoyed liberation and bliss for seven days. Two merchants named Tapussa and Pallika traveled from Ukkol countryside and arrived there. saw the Lord Buddha sitting there Therefore, sattu rice, sattu rice powder was taken. which were their own provisions, went in and offered them to His Majesty to eat. The two merchants declared themselves to be upasakas. This was the first pair of upasakas in history to contemplate living beings. After the 7th week, His Majesty returned to sit on a banyan tree named Ajapalanigrodha again. He considered that the Dhamma that he had enlightened was so profound that it was difficult for other beings to understand it. He was discouraged from teaching animals. But relying on His kindness. He saw that in this world there would be those who could understand it. This episode represents four types of people, likened to four types of lotus flowers:
Ukkaṭṭitaññū includes those who have the character to know the magical Dhamma immediately while being instructed by a teacher. Teaching comparisons Like a lotus flower emerging from the water. Ready to bloom when it receives sunlight that day.
Vipajitaññu refers to a person who is able to know magical dhamma. Only when he expands the abbreviation to make it strange, like a lotus flower that is always at the level of the water. Will bloom tomorrow
Nēyā: a person who always makes an effort to listen, think, ask, and recite without giving up. So he learned the wonderful Dhamma, like a lotus flower that had not yet emerged from the water. nourished by water But it will emerge and bloom in the days to come.
Padapramā is a person who, even though he listens, thinks, asks, and recites, cannot know the magical Dhamma. It is like a lotus under water, stuck in the mud. It will only be food for fish and turtles. When he saw this incident So he decided to teach. He thought of the people who should be favored first, namely Alaradabos and Uttaradit. These people were not without merit. There will only be Panchavakkai. He decided that You should please the Panchavakkai first. Then he walked away wielding the banyan tree. His Majesty headed towards the Isipatana Maruekhathayawan Forest. Varanasi District His Majesty traveled from Phra Sri Maha Pho Subdistrict. Until reaching Varanasi, this shows his strong diligence and determination to truly give the first sermon to the Panchavaggi. The road between Phra Si Mahaphot Sub-district and Varanasi is currently 7-8 hours by train. His Majesty walked barefoot. It may take several days. But it appeared that on the 15th day of the waxing moon in the evening of the month of Asalha.
The Lord Buddha then reached the Isipattana Maruegathayawan Forest in the district of Varanasi, which is his present residence. Entering the forest, the Panchavaggi people saw this and made an arrangement that they would not pay respects, would not rise up to receive alms, and would not receive alms. The robes would be set up only for the seat. Because I understand that He I have become a person who has become greedy and has lost all perseverance. When His Majesty arrived They spoke to him without respect. He forbade them and said that when he was enlightened he would teach the Dhamma to the 5 brahmins. They protested with various words. Finally, His Majesty gave a warning to remember that Has he spoken like this in the past? The five brahmins remembered this and immediately became calm and listened to the Dhamma.
That evening, he stayed with the five brahmins on the morning of the full moon day of the month of Asalha. He began to teach the Dhamma-Cakkappavattana Sutta. It is considered the first sermon of the Panchavaggi. In essence, he gave the greatest praise in two ways: causing oneself to suffer through physical torture. And not engaging oneself in enjoying both of these sensual pleasures is considered vile. You should not consume only the middle path. It is a reasonable practice. Then he showed the middle path, namely the Noble Eightfold Path, namely:
          1. Right view, agreeing.
          2. Right mindfulness, right conduct.
          3. Right speech, right dialogue.
          4. Right action: doing right work.
          5. Right livelihood, making a right living.
          6. Sammāvayama diligence.
          7. Right mindfulness, right recollection.
          8. Right concentration, right intention.
Concluding with the 4 Noble Truths:
Suffering, physical discomfort, uneasiness.
Samudaya causes suffering.
Nirodha, the cessation of suffering.
The path to practice leading to the cessation of suffering.
Point out by the trends and various symptoms that when known, it may be confirmed that Rightly enlightened He will surely be freed and reach the end of his life. While he was teaching this Dhamma, Venerable Kondañña followed him with his knowledge until the “Dhamma Eye” was born, that is, the eyes saw the Dhamma with wisdom. He realized this and exclaimed, “Aññasī” “Aññasī” (Kondañña already knew) Because of this exclamation, Kondñña later received a new name. “Anyakondañña” then asked for ordination to be granted permission by ehibhikkhu upasampana. He was the first monk in the religion to be ordained following the Lord Buddha. According to the Buddha’s history, it can be seen that Asahna Bucha Day is important:
It is the first day that the Lord Buddha preached his religion.
It is the first day that the Lord Buddha preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta proclaiming the truth which is the essence of right enlightenment.
It is the day that the first disciple of the Noble Sangha was born in the world, namely Phra Anyakondañña. He ate Ehibhikhu Upasampadha on that day.
It is the first day that the Sangharatana was fully born into the Triple Gem, namely the Buddha gem, Dhamma gem, and Sangharatana.
Observance of Asarnha Bucha Day in Thailand
The Asarnha Bucha Day ceremony was established as an important Buddhist day for the first time in Thailand. In the year 1958, Phra Dhammakosajarn (Chop Anujari), while serving as the Deputy Sangha Councilor of the Educational Organization, proposed the Sangha Council. Add another day for religious ceremonies to perform Buddhist worship, which is Dhammachakra Day or Asahna Bucha Day. Because it is the anniversary of the day when the Lord Buddha preached the Dhamma Chakkappavattana Sutta. The Sangha Council voted to accept the principle of adding Asalha Bucha Day and to consider it as a principle at a later time. It was issued as an announcement by the Sangha regarding the determination of important religious days on July 14, 1958, and on the same day there was an announcement by the Episcopal Office. The regulations for the Asalha Bucha ceremony were established for all temples to follow. That is, one week before Asahna Bucha Day, the abbot must inform the monks and novices as well as the temple students. Temple people helped to sweep and spread the floors and set up offerings to decorate the Dharmachakra flag around the temple all day. Both morning and afternoon there will be regular Dhamma listening. In the evening, monks and novices, upasakas and upasikas gather together in front of the temple. or pagoda Light incense sticks and candles and hold them together with flowers. Stand with your hands together and gather your thoughts. The presiding monk will say the words of worship and then make a prayer.
Then have the monks and novices go in to worship the Triple Gem, perform evening prayers and chant the Dhamma Chakkappavattana Sutta. When finished, give it to the upasaka. Upasika performs evening prayers after that. Let the senior monks give a sermon on the Dhamma Chakkappavattana Sutta and then have the monks and novices recite the Dhamma Chakkappavattana Sutta to the melody of Sarabhañña in order to develop the faith and path of Buddhism. After that, it will be an opportunity for Buddhists to practice virtuous meditation. There is prayer and Dhamma discussion. Practice samatha and vipassana, etc., as appropriate for your convenience. Use the time to perform the Asalha Puja ceremony no later than 12:00 p.m. and the Asalha Puja ceremony has been performed extensively. Since then, the government has announced from the Prime Minister’s Office that the national flag be raised. Also offered as an offering to Buddha today.
When Asarnha Bucha Day, which falls on the same day, comes together once again in the year, that is, on Asarnha Bucha Day, the 8th lunar month of Thailand, Buddhists all over the world perform worship ceremonies. The ceremony on Asahna Bucha Day is divided into 3 ceremonies:
        1. Royal Ceremony (Royal Ceremony)
        2. Rajat ceremony (ceremony for the general public)
        3. Ceremony of monks (This is the ceremony that monks perform religious duties on this important day.)
Ceremonies and prayers on Asahna Bucha Day are the same as those on Visakha Bucha Day.

1. C. Priyan. Thai traditions and auspicious ceremonies. Thammabannakarn. 1975 Bangkok
2. Somprat Ammaphan. Traditions and rituals in literature. O.S. Printing House.1993 Bangkok.
3. Sumet Methavitayakul. Sangkap rituals. Printing House. 1989. Bangkok.
4. Saengchai Anongkaram. Benefits from the Tripitaka. S. Thammaphakdee. Bangkok.
5. Praphan Kulvinitchai, Buddhist festivals and ceremonies. Faculty of Humanities, MCU, Bangkok.

Information from the website of the National Office of Buddhism.